By CM Lim

On Jan 30th, 2016 Saturday night, using Firefox, I could not sign into Yahoo despite entering the right Email and password. Yahoo Sign-in screen kept reloading every time I click to Submit. 
Using the Help did not improve either, the screen prompt to enter code send via SMS to my phone, after entering, it was just another round of reloading of the Sign-In screen.



I was thinking of trying the Yahoo login another day but in an instant, I thought I could give a try to log into Yahoo from a different browser, Internet Explorer instead, and was presently surprised that I was able to do so without a hitch, this is now getting exciting, there is nothing wrong with my Yahoo account.

My guess now is there's a high chance Firefox files were corrupted, and the best way to deal with it is to reinstall it, hoping it's not a big hassle.
I backup my bookmarks, downloaded the latest Firefox version, uninstall and re-install Firefox, all that for less than 10 minutes, what a relief.

The moment of truth, I tried the Yahoo login, I'm done for if it fails, but as expected, it went through, Successfully!!!

An icing on the cake, the auto spell check, and correction in Firefox that has never been active all this while, WORKS!! glad what a simple re-installation did.

So try this method first before going it in a big way!!

For your info, I was trying to sign into my Flickr photo sharing site

Thank you for reading:
Solution to Yahoo sign-in screen that keeps reloading.

Do you have similar experience and like to share, feel free to share and comment.



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